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 Sherlock holms

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مجموع عدد الأصوات : 1
التصويت مغلق

كاتب الموضوعرسالة

المساهمات : 2
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/02/2010

Sherlock holms Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Sherlock holms   Sherlock holms Icon_minitimeالجمعة فبراير 19, 2010 12:15 pm

Sherlock holms

Sherlock holms __ Mr. Watson __ Mr. Brownlow__ William Sykes __ the magistrate .Mr. Goldman__ Mr. Candle__ The cunning man Mr. dodger__Charly bets __ Mrs. Brownlow__ Dr. Landerson __ Mrs. Landerson__seargent__ Mr. londer__Mr. Moncks__ Mrs.landeson__ The old man Mr. Fonder__ Abdu Jabar__ Mrs. Moncks__ Bill Sykes__Mrs. Sykes__The noble man Mr. Carlo __ The Jew.
The original story
By: Mohamed fadl

A. Sherlock Holmes was eating lunch when he hear a low voice shouted help me help me .Mr. Watson said do you lesten that Holmes lets go to see what happen. Mr. Watson and Holmes went to see what is going. When they arrived they saw a dead body Holmes saw a letter near the dead body .Watson go and call the police some one killed this woman. Said Holmes .Sherlock takes the letter and read it…dear Holms you must to come by yourself to port. If Mr. Watson or any one came with you I will kill Mrs. Brownlow .at this moment the police men came. Watson lets go from hear .said Holmes. After day Holmes tell Watson about the letter Watson harried to the police men .stop Watson pleas do not do that. Mrs. Brownlow in a danger Watson stopped and began to thinking what are they doing. Holmes went to Mr. Brownlow’s house and told him all the story about the criminal who kidnapped Mrs. Brownlow his wife they decided to go all of them and catch the criminal Mrs. Brownlow was not kidnapped and Holmes with Mr. Brownlow was not the really Sherlock. Holms kidnapped by the sergeant. The sergeant was the criminal.
B. the another holms was the magistrate … the magistrate decided to kill Mr. Brownlow
C. Holms know dead body it was for Mrs. Brownlow.
..Oh no... Said holms... this is big problem ... I must to do some thing... holms take a little rock and break the lock of the door and ran to save Mr. Brownlow .Holmes met at his way William Sykes …Sykes was a devil man he was a criminal he killed some one before ..
… Sykes... Shouted Holmes … Sykes. Pleas can you help me…. Said Holmes ….well well well... Said Sykes...You must to help me to save Mr. Brownlow...said Holmes after two minuets...Deal... Said Sykes Sherlock Holmes and William Sykes go to Mr. Brownlow.

Sykes was a cunning man and Holms was warned …Stop… shouted low voice …what is this … said Watson .Watson saw Holms with steadily feet
…What … said the magistrate .The magistrate shot Mr. Brownlow with gun and ran away the boor Brownlow killed by the magistrate ...curse to you Sherlock Holms I will Kill you I swear I will Kill you … shouted the magistrate…
…Well were is the money …said the sergeant …I well never give you the money... said the magistrate …curse to you .You bromes me that you will give me the golden coins... said the sergeant … first were is Holms … said the magistrate …its hear… said the sergeant… were is Holmes If you did not find hem I will Kill you … said the
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